Unit Name: Bear River Formation
Unit Type: Lithostratigraphic
Rank: Formation
Status: Informal
Usage: Abandoned
Age Interval: older - Late Jurassic (4567.17 - 145.5 ma)
Province/Territory: British Columbia

Originator: Bowman, 1889.

Type Locality:
Portland Canal (Tipper and Richards, 1976).

Greenstones (Tipper and Richards, 1976).

McConnell originally designated the name "Bear River Formation" for volcanic rocks in both the Salmon River and Bear River valleys. This terminology was clouded by Schofield and Hanson when they introduced the term "Salmon River Formation" for part of McConnell's sequence. Later, while remapping the Bear River and Stewart map-area, Hanson disposed of the name "Salmon River Formation", and in 1935 he instituted the name "Hazelton Group" for the volcanic assemblage in both districts (Grove, 1971).

*Abandoned and included with Hazelton Group by Hanson (1924) (Tipper and Richards, 1976).

Other Citations:
Bowman, 1889, p. 16C, 20C-22C [Beds, Limestone]; Schofield and Hanson, 1921, p. 8A [Formation]; Hanson, 1929, p. 6-11 [local name]; Hanson, 1935a, p. 6 [abandoned]; Grove, 1971, p. 40, 41 [abandoned].

Bowman, A., 1889. Report on the geology of the mining district of Cariboo, British Columbia, Geological Survey of Canada reports and maps of investigations and surveys, 1887-1888. Selwyn, A. R. C. [compiler] Annual Report vol. 3, p.1C-49C
Grove, E.W., 1971. Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Stewart Area British Columbia. British Columbia Department of mines and Petroleum Resources, Bulletin no. 58, 170 pp.
Hanson, G., 1924. Reconnaissance between Skeena River and Stewart, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1923, Part A, pp. 29-45.
Hanson, G., 1929. Bear River and Stewart map Areas, Cassiar District, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 159, 84 p.
Hanson, G., 1935a. Portland Canal area, British Columbia (with Maps 307A and 315A [mining claims]); Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 175, 179 p.
Schofield, S.J. and Hanson, G., 1921. Salmon River District, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1920, pp. 6-12.
Tipper, H.W. and Richards, T.A., 1976. Jurassic stratigraphy and history of North-central British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 270, 73 p.

Source: GSC file of geological names; T.E. Bolton and J. Dougherty (compiler)
Contributor: A.A. Coyne; Michael Pashulka
Entry Reviewed: No
Name Set: Lithostratigraphic Lexicon
LastChange: 20 Dec 2010