Unit Name: Iberville Formation
Unit Type: Lithostratigraphic
Rank: Formation
Status: Formal
Usage: Currently in use
Age Interval: late Middle Ordovician (N.A.) (460.9 - 451 ma)
Province/Territory: Quebec; New York; Vermont

Originator: Clark, T.H., 1934, GSA Bull. 45:1, p. 5.

Type Locality:
Type Locality: Type area: Iberville Co., southern Quebec, CAN (Hawley, 1957).

Foliated, dark grey mudstone, rythmically laminated dolomitic siltstones or fine-grained, orangish brown dolomite beds. (Globensky, et.al., 1993)

This unit is a formation of the Sainte Rosalie Group (Globensky, et.al., 1993) GeoLex entry: http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/Geolex/NewUnits/unit_2163.html

Other Citations:
Clark, T.H., 1934, GSA Bull. 45:1, p. 5; Globensky, Y., et.al., 1993, QDER DV 91-23, p. 122.

Source: GSC file of geological names; T.E. Bolton and J. Dougherty (compiler)
Contributor: A.A. Coyne
Entry Reviewed: No
Name Set: Lithostratigraphic Lexicon
LastChange: 19 Jan 2015