Unit Name: Lardeau Group
Unit Type: Lithostratigraphic
Rank: Group
Status: Undefined
Usage: Currently in use
Age Interval: Cambrian - Devonian (542 - 359.2 ma)
Province/Territory: British Columbia

Originator: Walker and Bancroft, 1929

The Lardeau Group is composed of 6 formations. From the bottom exposure to the top, the formations are: Index, Triune, Ajax, Sharon Creek, Jowett, and Broadview.

The Lardeau Group was defined by Walker and Bancroft in 1929. Fyles and Eastwood (1962) subdivided the group into 6 formations.

Fyles, James T. and Eastwood, G.E.P., 1962. Geology of the Ferguson area, Lardeau District, British Columbia; British Columbia Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources, Bulletin No. 45, 92 p. + XIV plates.
Walker, J.F. and Bancroft, M.F., 1929. Lardeau map-area, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 161.

Contributor: Holly Girling
Entry Reviewed: No
Name Set: Lithostratigraphic Lexicon
LastChange: 05 Mar 2009